Thursday, January 9, 2025

Solution for Today's Cluely, Jan-09-2025, #9


Solution, notes, and explanations

Theme: Flags 

Seems like the mini is a favorite (6x6), so here we are at it again.  And the theme is a familiar one: Flags!



  • 🇺🇸 : US
  • 🇨🇭: SWISS.   
  • 🇵🇦: PANAMA.
  • 🇪🇸: SPAIN.
  •  🇼🇸: SAMOA.
  • 🇯🇵: JAPAN.
Flags tell a story of culture and a nation's history. Japan, "the land of the rising sun", indeed has the sun on it's flag. The sun plays a big rule in the Japanese culture. For example, the emperor is said to be a descendent of the sun goddess,  Amaterasu. 

The rest of the clues are pretty straight forward. Note that (by popular demand) we do have clues also for single-letters when appropriate. For example, "Zero?" is a clue to the letter "O".
  • 🇱🇷(Liberia, 1 star) Club
  • 🇰🇳(Saint Kitts, 2 stars)
  • 🇭🇳(Honduras, 5 stars)
  • 🇺🇸(USA, 50 stars)
  • Vexillologist (Scholar of flags)

How hard was it?

Admittedly, most of us might be not that familiar with the flags. BUT, we are familiar with the name of the states. Thus, by getting some letters, one could guess the countries, and solve the puzzle.
Overall, it was a mini-Cluely, on somewhat familiar topic. But you did have to use some puzzle solving technique (meaning, going for other clues). We'll give it 2-laps around the block .

'till the next one,
 Zachi (waddling along).

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