Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Solution for Today's Cluely, Feb-11-2025, #20

Solution, notes, and explanations

Theme: "... Giant Leap for Mankind"  

On July-21st, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the surface of the moon. To celebrate, we dedicate this Cluely to the Apollo 11 mission.



  • Eagle - The name of the lunar landing module. The name of the main module was Columbia.
  • BL - Bruce Lee initials. Martial arts master with movie star fame.
  • EE - Electrical Engineering.
  • EF - D-sharp is also E-flat.
  • FE - Rust is oxidation of iron. Iron symbol is FE.
  • HEN - Indeed, a female lobster is called a hen. There, you learned something new!

  • New moon.
  • Waxing crescent
  • First Quarter
  • Waxing gibbous
  • Full moon!
How hard was it?
Seems like this was doable, even though there were quite a few proper nouns. Most of them are well known, or otherwise had other clues helping along. We'll give it a  Half Marathon last preparation run .

'till the next one,
 Zachi (waddling along).

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Solution for Today's Cluely, Feb-04-2025, #19

Solution, notes, and explanations

Theme: Cars   

Love them, hate them, use them (or not): Cars are everywhere. And you can't escape but admire the effort invested in their design, their esthetics. And the brandnames. And the logos. 
And logos is what this cluely is all about.



  • RLS - "Treasure Island" was written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. He also authored "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", and many others.  This is one of those cases that I wished for more space to write the clue within. I thought of  '"Treasure Island" au.' as a clue, or 'John Long Silver's creator', or something with Jekyll and Hyde. but all were too long. Alas. This will be resolved in Cluely2. Stay tuned (planned release in March 4, 2025).

  • "Cars" (the movie) - Walt  Disney animation.
  • Formula 1 - Real race car circuit
  • 007 - James Bond can be relied upon to have a new car from Q.
  • "Back to the future" - The classic Time machine is a vehicle!
  • "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" - Flying car a'la Walt Disney.

How hard was it?
Seems like this was doable but easy for many. What really helped were the many cross-referenced clues. And friends who love cars.  We'll give it a  Half Marathon training run .

'till the next one,
 Zachi (waddling along).