Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Solution for Today's Cluely, Jan-07-2025, #7


Solution, notes, and explanations

Theme: Yoga poses

Can we consider basic Yoga as an expected crossword-solver's knowledge? Interesting question. This holds true for any of our theme-based crosswords. We'll ponder this. In the meantime, go enjoy some Yoga!


  • Picture top left: Cobra. Back bends are important for your. back-health.
  • Picture top right: Warrior. This is actually Warrior-I posture. There is also Warrior-II (sideways) and Warrior-III (one legged) poses.  
  • Picture middle left: Cow. This is half of the pair Cat-Cow  (back arched upward -  Back arched downward) poses.
  • Picture bottom left: Chair pose.
  • Picture middle right: Aum. Common start/end of Yoga sessions. Another common spelling is Om. And, of course, not to be confused with Ohm (measure of electrical resistance).
 The picture at the bottom right is a common symbol of Peace-Love-Yoga. 

Some other relevant clues:
  • FO - "Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an english man" - This is the first line in the chant of the Giant in the English fairy tale "Jack and the beanstalk".
  • SIFU - In many dujos, at the end of Kong-Fu practice, the students say "Xiexie sifu", which means "Thank you master".


The levels achieved follow various poses:
  • Happy Baby - Relaxing pose to get you smiling.
  • Warrior-I  - Front facing
  • Warrior-II - Side facing
  • Warrior-III - One legged Lassie and Old-Yeller (Classics)
  • Shavasana - The english name is 'Corpse', but this is the common relaxation pose at the end of a Yoga session. Yes, you might fall asleep during this pose , only to be awaken by the closing bell.

How hard was it?

If you are doing Yoga, or did Yoga, it was pretty straightforward. If not, hopefully you knew some of the poses, and there was the EASY version this time around.
This Cluely was not too hard. The level rating is 2-laps around the block .

'till the next one,
 Zachi (waddling along).

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