Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Solution for Today's Cluely, Jan-01-2025, #1

Solution, notes, and explanations

Theme: Music to my ears

The theme follows the movie "The sound of Music" from 1965. Julie Andrews is starring as Maria, the free-spirited nun turned a nanny, and Christopher Plummer as the retired navy officer Captain Georg von Trapp. And, of course, his 7 children.


  • Picture top left: Maria. This is the famous opening scene, where Maria sings "The hills are alive with the sound of music".
  • Picture top right: Captain Georg von-Trapp, the retired navy officer and father of 7.
  • The rest of the theme's clues, with the light-yellow background, are based on the "Do-Re-Mi" song, written by (you guessed it) Rodgers and Hammerstein.
Doe, a deer, a female deer.
Ray, a drop of golden sun.
Me, a name I call myself.
Far, a long, long way to run.
Sew, a needle pulling thread,
La, a note to follow sew,
Tea, a drink with jam and bread!
  • Two greek letters appear this time:
    • Ψ -  The greek letter psi.
    • 𝛑 - The greek letter pi, and since we have many of these, it is in plural, pis.
  • "Tao Te Ching" - The book is considered to be the foundational work of Taosim, written by Lao Tzu (Laozi).
  • Aweary - This is the adjective form of weary. It is considered archaic these days, but still can be found in classical poems and literature.
  • The flag at the bottom right, 🇦🇹, is the flag of Austria, where most of the story takes place.


The levels achieved follow the 5 girls of the family (there are also two boys, Friedrich and Kurt): 
  • Gretl von Trapp, age 5
  • Marta von Trapp, age 7
  • Brigitta von Trapp, age 10
  • Louisa von Trapp, age 13
  • Liesl von Trapp, age 16

How hard was it?

Other than the unusual spelling of AYE (here spelled as AY), the rest was reasonably direct.
This Cluely was very enjoyable, reminded us of a great movie, and not too hard to solve, and thus earns the level of a 1-Kilometer jog.

'till the next one,
 Zachi (waddling along).

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